children become adults who become parents who have children
a day like every other day
tonight, I‘ll take my demons to bed with me
rosarotes Geschrei
did you hear me whispering from the mountain behind the hazelnut bush?
Bunker für Flüchtlinge
hungry dog
Spinnlein, Spinnlein an der Wand,
wer ist die Schärfste im ganzen Land
better be a child
wearing black hoodies like armor
everything at once and nothing at all
until we heal together
where do nightmares and fairytales collide?
bits and pieces of bliss between all the doubts and the mess
daily notes
Raum für unangenehme Gedanken
empty promises
please don‘t call me
heart of glass
22.Juni 20xx
in Mother Nature I trust
do not paint outside the lines
no more than this